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Saturday, January 12, 2008

Welcome to our class blog!

We are going to start our class blog. But before we start of anything, we need to be clear of the rules of the game.

Rules to become a responsible Netizen and to protect yourself on the internet.

• Do unto others, as you'd have others do unto you.
Be polite and courteous at all times. Remember that you're not communicating with a computer screen, but with a human being with thoughts and feelings just like you. So before you fly off the handle, or send a rude or offensive message, think about the person on the receiving end.

If you need to emphasise a word, use asterisks, like *this* or lines, like _this_. Be aware that the biggest problem with the Internet is that the written word is not easy to interpret. When you speak something, people can hear the tone of your voice. If they can see you, they can take visual clues from your face and body to see if you intend humour or if you are trying to soften what sounds like a harsh sentence. All of this is lost in text, and sometimes responses can come across as mean or rude, even when the writer did not intend them this way. This is the reason some people use emoticons (visual clues) in their e-mails, it saves a lot of confusion.

• Be careful not to use rude or bad language online.
Many providers will terminate your account. Respect the privacy of others.

• Make a good impression. Remember that the written word is the only way you can represent yourself online, so spelling and grammar count. If your are going to be writing a large amount of text for other people to see, make sure you break it up using paragraphs, it will make it easier on the eye for those that will read it.

Reference Link 1
Reference Link 2
Reference Link 3

