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Thursday, October 29, 2009

Let's Make Our World The Most Beautiful Home

I recently caught this ad on television and I liked it quite a lot. I feel that the message this ad brings across is not only about keeping Singapore clean and green, but also, being gracious and thoughtful to the people and our environment. We, being responsible for our lives and others', need to play our part!

Let's make our world the most beautiful home, 6.3~!
By being the kindest, most beautiful person we can be! =D

Monday, October 26, 2009

Truly Touched.

Dearest 5 trees,

It has been a long time since I have posted.

This morning, during my recess break, I returned to my table in the staff room to a great surprise! =D

What I saw was a huge cake box, a 'scroll' and a self-laminated dried leaf. I read the note written on the leaf with bated breath to find out who the mystery gift was from. Guess who?? It was from 3 very kind girls who spent their time, effort and money to present me a very very sweet gift! I love it, girls! =D And I really appreciate it from the bottom of my heart.

Now that the PSLE is over, we can only celebrate and wish for the best. I will try my best to be there at the release of the results. I want to see all of you happily smiling, knowing that you have given your best shot at this exam.

Regardless of results, I believe that in life, there are many options for one to explore. You will choose your path in life. In any case, roads were paved by Man. So, go pave your own road! =D

My dearest 5 trees,
(gift or no gift) I thank you for the beautiful memories you have given me. =D The sweetness of your kindness, cakes & cookies will remain with me forever. ;D

The Gift

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Teachers' Day 2009


For all those who came to look for me and give me their sincere wishes, I really appreciate them. =D Presents or no presents, I know your kind intentions.

Work hard, 6.3! This is your last lap! Put your best foot forward! =)

Here are some photos taken the other day~

*Nic & Boon, sorry about our pic. My bro had accidentally deleted our precious photo. ='(

Monday, April 20, 2009

When You Wish Upon A Star

From the movie 'Pinocchio'!! =D

Of course, other than wishing, you need to work hard and do your part as well.

May all your wishes come true, 6 trees! =D

When You Wish Upon A Star - Louis Armstrong

When you wish upon a star
Makes no difference who you are
Anything your heart desires
Will come to you

If your heart is in your dream
No request is too extreme
When you wish upon a star
As dreamers do

Fate is kind
She brings to those who love
The sweet fulfillment of
Their secret longing

Like a bolt out of the blue
Fate steps in and sees you through
When you wish upon a star
Your dreams come true

Saturday, April 4, 2009

Monday, March 30, 2009

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Happy Birthday, Saranya!

Hi Sara, I am sorry I do not have an individual picture of you. Nevertheless, I want to wish you a very Happy Birthday! =D

Thursday, March 5, 2009

I Don't Want To Live On The Moon

              Click on picture for enlarged version.

Why don't I want to live on the moon?

'Because I would miss all the places and people I love.' =D

When you grow up, you will find yourself visiting and going many places. You would like to travel and do many strange things outside of your home, outside of Singapore. But do not forget where you come from - "Earth". Because even when you get to the Moon, the Sea, the Jungle, and you find many amazing and interesting things there, you would realize that home is where the people you love are. =)

Cherish those you love.

Wednesday, February 25, 2009


Dear 6 trees,

Thanks to Terminator's prompt, I have decided to post a short note at this late hour - 1am. I hope all of you are asleep, if not, sleep now! It is important for growing children like you to have ample sleep..especially if you have lots of homework and information to digest the next day.

Do you know what? I would like to acknowledge those 6trees students who greet me whenever they see me. I always feel very happy to hear you greet me and to know that you still remember me. =) You greeting me shows respect to me - and I appreciate it sincerely from the bottom of my heart. And because I care about all of you, my wish is that all of you do well in your PSLE and leave Anderson proud.

It is already February and you do not have much time. If there is still nonsense going on in class, if there are a few students who still do not see the importance of studying, keep playing a fool, do not let it affect you. Remember, you and only you are responsible for your learning and future. If your friends are not ready, YOU be ready and make the difference in your lives.

You can always organize study groups outside of school, after school, during the weekends, to revise together with your friends. Ask questions to your teachers/friends who might be able to answer your questions. Do not be afraid to ask.

I just read a quote the other day:

'He who asks is a fool for five minutes, but he who does not ask remains a fool forever.' - Chinese Proverb

Does that seem familiar? Seen it around in school? =)

Start bucking up now. The time is NOW! Be lazy no longer.

Just to share, Ms Guo completed a full marathon in December last year. How long is a full marathon? It is 42km. Yes.. Not 1.6km. Not 2.4km. Not 4.2km. It is 42km. I nearly gave up and I took more than 6hours to complete the marathon. But I did not give up because I wanted to do my best and complete the marathon. That was my goal. What's YOURS?

Monday, February 2, 2009

Happy Birthday, Leonard!

Leonard who refused to take a nice photo then.

Click on Leonard to see him after being coaxed for a smile.

Leo, be happy and smile more k? Happy Birthday! =D

Sunday, February 1, 2009

Happy Birthday, Tinzar!

Tinzar, I am sorry I do not have any other photo of you taken individually. See? This is what happens when you refuse to face my camera~ =)

Happy birthday~ =D

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Sunday, January 18, 2009

We Will Survive!

By now, you would have noticed that I have added a new component to our blog...


How can we live without music?

My choice of music is this song titled 'I Will Survive' by Gloria Gaynor

This year will be a challenging year for all. So, tell yourself you WILL survive! and you would. Believe in the power of the mind for it can do wonders.

5 trees (~now 6 trees~), it's now time to grow taller, bigger and reach for the skies!!

NB. The class blog tends to lag. Be patient while it loads.......

Monday, January 12, 2009

By Popular Demand!

Dear 5 trees,

I'm back by popular demand. Haha.. Anyway, it has been some time since I have updated the blog.

Wanted to know how you have been doing and what your New Year Resolutions are.. =)

It's a new year, with a new teacher, a new start. Many of you will experience a difference this year. So, before you get really really busy with Primary 6, think of what you really wish to achieve and do. =)

Let me share some of my resolutions with you.. =)

This year, Miss Guo wants to:

1) Be a better person by spending more time and treating my family and friends better.

2) Learn a new skill
Actually, many new skills like playing the piano, drums, guitar, cooking, sky-diving,

You should too while you are still young.

Dare to dream! Do the IMPOSSIBLE! For "impossible is nothing" - quote from Adidas

3) Improve in my languages
This is so I can say all the good & bad things of my students to their parents properly. Don't want to convey the wrong things to parents, do I? =P

4) Volunteer my aid to the less-fortunate
If I am able to help and offer what I can, I will. Because you never know when you can bring a smile to one who needs your smile more than you. =)

5) Be resolute in my resolutions!
Haha.. because many people often break their resolutions. Which means, at the end of the year, they find that they have achieved none of their resolutions they set out to do at the beginning of the year. I wish to make all my resolutions come true! =D

That's all for now. Just 5 simple resolutions. Some more and I will not be able to achieve them all. =P

Tell me what your resolutions are! You can click under the comment area below this post for me to view it easily, or write it on your blog if you wish to keep it more private. =) Awaiting your replies~

Ms Guo

