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Monday, April 7, 2008

Personal Response 2 : Courtesy

Hi Everyone,

We are going to talk about Courtesy this week. We should always follow the Ethic of Reciprocity (the Golden Rule) which simply means to "treat others as you would like to be treated." We all like to be treated with respect and courtesy. If we respect our friends, our friends would treat us with the same respect. We all want to be courteous people. So to begin for others to treat you with courtesy, start with yourself to treat others with the same respect as well! =)

For Week 4:
First, click on the picture to go to the link:

Read the four fables and give your opinion and comments about them. To guide you in writing your personal response, here are some questions :

1. What does 'courtesy' mean to you?
2. Which one of the fables impresses you most? Why?
3. Do you think the pupils in our class are courteous? In what way/ways are they courteous or discourteous?
4. How can we show our courtesy towards our friends, school mates, family members and others?

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