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Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Hello Students of 5.3!

How have you been? I hope you are enjoying your holidays and doing the things you have always like or wanted to do. Well, I think this is an excellent opportunity to take some time off this month to think and reflect on your life.

1) What do you want to be when you grow up? Why?

It can be either an ambition (what kind of job you want to pursue?) or it can just be simply what kind of person do you wish to be? How do you want others to remember you by?

2) How are you going to achieve that goal? What are you going to do? Why?

Just think about these two points.

Oh yes! A reminder. Please bring on the first day of school:

- English 5B Textbook & Workbook

- Math 5A Textbook & 5B Part I Workbook

- Science 5 Textbook & 5B Workbook

- All your holiday homework (get it done)

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Personal Response 5 : Earthquakes

Hi Everyone,

For Week 10:

Now that the exams are over, you can spend some time reflecting on the things you have done this term. It is also good if you can spend some time reading. As the earthquake in China is still fresh on everyone's mind, I would like you to learn a little more about it. Hence, for this week, you will read about earthquake in the link below:

To help you in your personal response, I have prepared some questions below:

1. What are the causes of earthquake?
2. What can people do when there is an earthquake?
3. Do you think scientists can detect an earthquake? If so, how do they do it?
4. Where have earthquakes occurred?
5. Why do these countries have earthquakes?
6. Do you think there will be an earthquake in Singapore? Why?

Do explore the link given. I hope you have learned more about earthquakes.

Monday, May 12, 2008

Reflection 5: My Mother

Hello Class!

For Week 9:

Last Sunday was Mother's Day. Mr Tan, our principal, had spoken about showing love and respect for our mother. In this post, I would like you to spend some time reflecting on the role your mother has played in your life. The following are some questions to assist you in this task:

1. What do you think of Mother's Day?
2. What did you do on Mother's Day?
3. What is your relationship with your mother?
4. How has your mother helped you through the years?
5. How do you strengthen your relationship with your mother?
6. Do you think mothers are important in children's lives? Why?
7. If there is one special thing you can do for your mother, what would that be and why?

I look forward to reading your reflection. =)

Sunday, May 4, 2008

Personal Response 4 : Child Safety Belt in School Bus

Hi Everyone,

For Week 8:

The personal response topic is on the need for school children to wear safety belts when travelling in school buses. First, you have to click on the picture to read the article:

After you have read the article, you are required to respond to the message.

To help you write your personal response, I have listed some questions below :
1. Do you take the school bus to school?
2. How do the children behave in the school bus?
3. Do you agree with Ms Karen Koh that safety belt should be install in school buses? Why?
4. Do you agree with Mr Leow Beng Kiong's view that installing seat belts
are not only costly but also unnecessary as the children are on the bus for only about 15 minutes? Why?
5. What can children, bus attendants and school do to make sure that
children are safe when travelling in school bus?

Do take a little time off your revision to write your personal response.

Study hard and smart! Good luck for your exams. =)
