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Sunday, May 4, 2008

Personal Response 4 : Child Safety Belt in School Bus

Hi Everyone,

For Week 8:

The personal response topic is on the need for school children to wear safety belts when travelling in school buses. First, you have to click on the picture to read the article:

After you have read the article, you are required to respond to the message.

To help you write your personal response, I have listed some questions below :
1. Do you take the school bus to school?
2. How do the children behave in the school bus?
3. Do you agree with Ms Karen Koh that safety belt should be install in school buses? Why?
4. Do you agree with Mr Leow Beng Kiong's view that installing seat belts
are not only costly but also unnecessary as the children are on the bus for only about 15 minutes? Why?
5. What can children, bus attendants and school do to make sure that
children are safe when travelling in school bus?

Do take a little time off your revision to write your personal response.

Study hard and smart! Good luck for your exams. =)

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