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Tuesday, July 29, 2008

The Lever

Sunday, July 27, 2008

Term 3 Week 6 : Racial Harmony

Hi Everyone,

We have just celebrated Racial Harmony Day. This week, I'd like you to reflect on the importance of racial harmony in Singapore. To guide you along, I have posed some questions:

1. What does 'racial harmony' mean to you?

2. Why is it important that we have racial harmony in Singapore?

3. Do you think the different races get along well in school and in your neighbourhood?

4, Do you have any friend/s from a different race? If yes, how did you get to know him/her? What do you do together? If not, why don't you have any friends from another race?

5. How can you help to promote racial harmony in your school and in your neighbourhood?

Looking forward to your reflection!

Sunday, July 20, 2008

Term 3 Week 5 : Sleepy Kids

Hi Everyone,

The 'Sunday Times' reported on 20 July that 'nearly half of the primary school pupils polled say they are not getting enough sleep'.( Sunday Times, 20 July, Home section, p 8) Is this true in your case? Read Mr Tan's response in this article. To assist you in reflecting on this article, I have posed some questions below:

1. How many hours of sleep do you get a night?

2. Do you think you have enough sleep each day?

3. If you think you have enough sleep, how do you manage to do that?
If you do not have enough sleep, what are you doing that keep you awake and hence
prevent you from getting enough sleep?

4. Do you think you have too many things to do every day?

5. What are things you have to do from morning till night?

6. What do you think children and parents can do to ensure that children get enough sleep?

I hope you can discuss this issue in great detail as I am very interested in it.

Looking forward to reading your response soon.

Saturday, July 19, 2008

Valorie's Bday & Nafa Test

16th May 2008

Long overdue photos.

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

For Racial Harmony Day

Dear Students,

For Racial Harmony Day next Monday (21 July 2008), please bring a pair of scissors to class.

Get ready for some craft! =)

Term 3 : Week 4 : Cyberbullying

Hi Everyone,

With the pervasive use of the internet, a good understanding of cyberwellness is
very important. This week, we will reflect on cyberbullying. To help you in your reflection, here are some questions:

1. What is cyberbullying?
2. What do the cyberbullies do to others?
3. Why do these people engage in cyberbullying?
4. How can you stop these people from cyberbullying ?
5. Have you encountered any cyberbullies when you surf the internet? If so, what did
they do to you? How did you stop the cyberbully/cyberbullies from bullying you?
6. What would you tell the cyberbullies and their victims?

If you like, you might find out more information from this website :

I hope to read your response soon.

Sunday, July 13, 2008

NDP 2008


Anderson Primary School students displayed good behaviour on our trip to the Marina Bay floating platform on the 12th of July 2008 for the National Education show. We made sure that we were not messy and litterbugs. We were on our best behaviour. Thank you for your co-operation in being good students, 5.3!

Friday, July 11, 2008


What is a lever?

A lever is a simple machine that makes work easier for use; it involves moving a load around a fulcrum using an effort.

There are 3 classes of levers.

In a First Class Lever, the fulcrum is between the effort and the load. The load is larger than the effort, but is moved through a smaller distance.

Eg. see-saw, scissors, pliers, hammer

In a Second Class Lever, the load is between the fulcrum and the effort.

Eg. stapler, bottle opener, nail clipper, wheelbarrow

In a Third Class Lever, the effort is between the fulcrum and the load.

Eg. fishing rod, tweezers, tongs

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

NE Show 2008

Students of 5.3!

We will be going to the NE Show 2008 this Saturday, 12 July 2008.

* Pls be in school by 2pm.

* Wear your school uniform.

* Travel light. You will be given an NDP goodie bag with water, snacks and a poncho (in case of wet weather).

* Do not bring valuables you do not wish to lose.

* We should leave the venue around 8.30pm and be back in school between 10pm-11pm. Pls inform your parents to pick you up.

At the Parade,

Be at your BEST behaviour.

If you have any litter to clear, do not throw it anywhere. Why??


In the spirit of Singapore,

Why waste your bag of trash? It could win you $70 worth of vouchers!

Simply do the following:

Make use of the litterbag provided in the fun pack to bag your litter,
Paste the Lucky Draw Sticker on the Litterbag,
Retain the other portion (that is the backing) of the Sticker,
Dispose of the litterbag at the collection points located below the Marina Bay Seating Gallery when you leave.

Be part of the "Singapore, Litter-Free" Campaign at the National Day Parade - Let's Clean Up, Just Bin It.

Let's do our school proud by being conscientious students~!

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Unit 7: Clowns & Magicians

For Your Entertainment.

Yen Town Fools

What a funny Clown show!

Classic Comedy!

Term 3 Week 3 : The Right Use of 999

Hi Everyone,

During the assembly, the police spoke to the school about the right use of 999.
In this reflection, I would like you to think about the right use of 999. To guide
you in the reflection, I have included some questions:

1. Why do you think school children and members of the public abuse the 999 call?
2. When should you call 999?
3. When should you not call 999?
4. How will the abuse of 999 call affect the police and us?
5. What do you think you should do before calling 999?
6. Do you think the punishment for the abuse of 999 is enough? If yes, why?
If not, what would you suggest the police should do ?

Hope to read your response soon.

Thursday, July 3, 2008

Term 3 Week 2 : Netiquette

Hi Everyone,

This week, we will reflect on netiquette.

Here are some questions which can help you as you do your reflection:
1. Write down two ways in which you can show your netiquette when you are communicating in cyberspace.
2. Why do you think netiquette is important?
3. Can you write down some instances of people who did not observe netiquette? What were the things they did and what do you think of these acts?
4. What advice would you give your friend about netiquette?

Hope to read your response soon.

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Term 3 Week 1 : PE Attire

Hi Everyone,

The principal has announced that all pupils can wear PE attire the whole day when they have their PE lessons. How do you feel about this rule? In your reflection, you can make use of these questions as a guide:

1. What are the reasons for the school to allow pupils to wear PE attire the whole day?
2. What are some advantages of wearing PE attire the whole day?
3. What are some disadvantages of wearing PE attire the whole day?
4. How does the wearing of PE attire the whole day affect your personal hygiene?
5. What do you think of the rule allowing pupils to wear PE attire the whole day?
5. What other suggestions could you offer to solve the problem of PE attire?

Hope to read your reflection soon.
