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Sunday, July 20, 2008

Term 3 Week 5 : Sleepy Kids

Hi Everyone,

The 'Sunday Times' reported on 20 July that 'nearly half of the primary school pupils polled say they are not getting enough sleep'.( Sunday Times, 20 July, Home section, p 8) Is this true in your case? Read Mr Tan's response in this article. To assist you in reflecting on this article, I have posed some questions below:

1. How many hours of sleep do you get a night?

2. Do you think you have enough sleep each day?

3. If you think you have enough sleep, how do you manage to do that?
If you do not have enough sleep, what are you doing that keep you awake and hence
prevent you from getting enough sleep?

4. Do you think you have too many things to do every day?

5. What are things you have to do from morning till night?

6. What do you think children and parents can do to ensure that children get enough sleep?

I hope you can discuss this issue in great detail as I am very interested in it.

Looking forward to reading your response soon.

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