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Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Hello Students of 5.3!

How have you been? I hope you are enjoying your holidays and doing the things you have always like or wanted to do. Well, I think this is an excellent opportunity to take some time off this month to think and reflect on your life.

1) What do you want to be when you grow up? Why?

It can be either an ambition (what kind of job you want to pursue?) or it can just be simply what kind of person do you wish to be? How do you want others to remember you by?

2) How are you going to achieve that goal? What are you going to do? Why?

Just think about these two points.

Oh yes! A reminder. Please bring on the first day of school:

- English 5B Textbook & Workbook

- Math 5A Textbook & 5B Part I Workbook

- Science 5 Textbook & 5B Workbook

- All your holiday homework (get it done)

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