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Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Personal Response 5 : Earthquakes

Hi Everyone,

For Week 10:

Now that the exams are over, you can spend some time reflecting on the things you have done this term. It is also good if you can spend some time reading. As the earthquake in China is still fresh on everyone's mind, I would like you to learn a little more about it. Hence, for this week, you will read about earthquake in the link below:

To help you in your personal response, I have prepared some questions below:

1. What are the causes of earthquake?
2. What can people do when there is an earthquake?
3. Do you think scientists can detect an earthquake? If so, how do they do it?
4. Where have earthquakes occurred?
5. Why do these countries have earthquakes?
6. Do you think there will be an earthquake in Singapore? Why?

Do explore the link given. I hope you have learned more about earthquakes.

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