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Monday, September 29, 2008

Term 4 Week 4 : Formula One Racing

Hi Everyone,

The Formula One Racing is launched in Singapore for the first time from 26 to 28 September 2008. It is also the first time that the F1 race is taking place at night. Since this is such a great international event, I would like you to take the opportunity to learn some things about F1. The websites you can visit are :

For the second website, please go to the FAQ and read the questions and answers.

After reading the information in the websites, I would like you to write your personal response to F1 racing. To help you along, I have given you some questions below:

1. What is FI ?
2. When and where did FI first start?
3. In which cities are FI held?
4. Do you think Singapore should stage the FI? Why?
5. What benefits do Singapore get for staging the FI?
6. Who is your favourite F1 driver?
7. Why do you like him?
8. Is there anything you like or dislike about the F1? What is it?
8. Did you watch the F1 race? If you did, share with us your experience of watching the race?

I hope to read your personal response soon.

Monday, September 22, 2008

Term 4 Week 3

Hi Everyone,

This week's reflection is prompted by Mr Koo, the Green Club Teacher. Recycling is essential as many of the things we throw away can be reused. To help you with the reflection, I have listed some questions below:

1. What do you understand by 'recycling'?

2. Why is it necessary to recycle things?

3. What are the various ways in which things can be recycled?

4. Do you practise recycling?

5. If so, what do you recycle? How do you recycle the materials?

6. Do you think the school is doing enough in recycling?

7. What can the school do to help in the recycling process?

8. What message would you tell your friends and classmates about recycling?

Write your reflection soon. I am waiting to read your response.

Wednesday, September 10, 2008


Hi Everyone,

We all know that reading helps us in many ways. However, with the greater use of computer, it appears to face a great competitor - computer games. In your blog, I would like you to reflect on the importance of reading. Here are some questions to help you in writing your reflection:

1. Do you think reading is important?
2. What do you usually read?
3. How many books or magazines do you read in a month?
4. Why do you read/not read?
5. Do you think that computer games are affecting pupils in their reading?
6. How can the school encourage more pupils to read?
7. If you were to recommend one book which everyone must read, what would it be?

I am looking forward to reading your reflection.

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Who Versus Whom

Listen to the podcast and read the transcript at the same time!

Grammar Girl here.

Today's topic is who versus whom. I've received three requests from listeners to cover this topic. Here's Noreen:

I just wondered if possibly in one of your episodes you could go through the use of who versus whom. I think that's a common misunderstanding with many people who write.

And an unnamed caller:

Who and whom: that's always a tough one.

And then Jen also asked in an e-mail.

So here we go. The words who and whom are both pronouns. I'll have a quick and dirty trick for you later, but first I want you to actually understand the right way to use these words.

First, to know whether to use who or whom, we need to talk about the difference between subjects and objects because you use who when you are referring to the subject of a clause and whom when you are referring to the object of a clause.

I know: subject and object sound pretty abstract, but it's easy. If we think about people, the subject of the sentence is the person doing something, and the object of the sentence is having something done to them. If I step on Squiggly, then I am the subject and Squiggly is the object.

Still having a hard time remembering? Here's my favorite mnemonic: If I say, "I love you," you are the object of my affection, and you is also the object of the sentence (because I am loving you, making me the subject and you the object). How's that? I love you. You are the object of my affection and my sentence. It's like a Valentine's Day card and grammar mnemonic all rolled into one.

OK. So you all asked about who versus whom, but what I think you really want to know is just when to use whom, because most people don't go around throwing unneeded whoms into their sentences. So remember, you use whom when you are referring to the object of a sentence. Use whom when you are referring to the object of a sentence.

For example, it is "Whom did you step on?" if you are trying to figure out that I had squished Squiggly. Similarly, it would be "Whom do I love?" because you are asking about the object -- the target of my love. I know, it's shocking, but the Rolling Stones were being grammatically incorrect when they belted out the song "Who Do You Love?" which I think was originally written by Bo Diddley.

So when is it OK to use who? If you were asking about the subject of these sentences, then you would use who. For example, "Who loves you?" and "Who stepped on Squiggly?" In both these cases the one you are asking about is the subject -- the one taking action, not the one being acted upon.

Still too hard to remember? OK, here's the quick and dirty tip. Like whom, the pronoun him ends with m. When you're trying to decide whether to use who or whom, ask yourself if the answer to the question would be he or him. That's the trick: if you can answer the question being asked with him, then use whom, and it's easy to remember because they both end with m. For example, if you're trying to ask, "Who (or whom) do you love?" The answer would be "I love him." Him ends with an m, so you know to use whom. But if you are trying to ask, "Who (or whom) stepped on Squiggly?" the answer would be "He stepped on Squiggly." There's no m, so you know to use who. So that's the quick and dirty trick: if you can't remember that you use whom when you are referring to the object of the sentence, just remember that him equals whom.

Reference from here.

More on this topic here
and here.


Here's your chance to build and design your very own paper robot and win fabulous WALL•E movie premiums!

Simply download the template, design, build, snap a photo and submit!

Shortlisted paper robots will be posted on the SDC website for public voting. Top 5 pictures with the highest votes and voters get to walk away with attractive WALL•E movie premiums!

What are you waiting for? Start gathering your friends and family to join in the fun now!

How to build a Paper Robot?

Things you need:
1. Paper Robot template (Download)
2. Scissor / Pen Knife
3. Glue / Double Sided Tape
4. Straw

Step 1: Color and design the shapes
Step 2: Carefully cut out all the shapes
Step 3: Score and fold as required
Step 4: Glue Tabs
Step 5: Attach speech bubble to the head
Step 6: Join the head to body with a straw and glue the tracks to the body
Step 7: Play

Monday, September 1, 2008

P5 Camp @ Bahtera

I hope all of you enjoyed your P5 camp! I am sure it was something each of you experienced differently. There are some lessons to be learnt from this camp. Sure, there was fun, there was laughter, there were games, food, friends.. But some of you experienced for the first time, a time away from your loved ones.

However, YOU SURVIVED THE CAMP!!! This goes to show that all of you are on your way to becoming independent people! All able to take care of yourselves when your parents are not with you. Give yourselves a pat on the back!! =) I am sure your parents are very proud of you.

There is a saying, (I will do my best to translate), 'When at home, you have your family. When out of your home, your friends are your family.'

With that said, always keep in mind to have good friends whom you can depend on. Treasure that friendship for good friends are hard to come by - just as much, treasure your family members. Do not take things for granted. =)

Here are the photos for our P5 camp in slideshow. If you want to view the photos individually or to save them, pls click the 'Photos' tab at the navigation bar at the top of our blog! =)

Happy Teachers' Day!

Thank you, 5.3!

Ms Guo is really appreciative of your efforts for the surprise party you threw for me on 22 August 2008. It was really an unforgettable day. It was a pleasant surprise to see the class all decorated and laid out in such an orderly manner. Thank you to all involved in the planning as well as those who made the party a success. =) Ms Guo was really sorry she could not stay longer for the party. I loved Kai Wen's homemade brownies, Yi Jing's cookies, Eunice's lovely drawing of me, as well as all the other gifts and love I got from the rest of you! =) They warmed my heart and filled me with sweetness for the rest of the day!


I would like to take this opportunity to wish all teachers a Happy Teachers' Day, including those who once taught me.

