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Monday, September 1, 2008

P5 Camp @ Bahtera

I hope all of you enjoyed your P5 camp! I am sure it was something each of you experienced differently. There are some lessons to be learnt from this camp. Sure, there was fun, there was laughter, there were games, food, friends.. But some of you experienced for the first time, a time away from your loved ones.

However, YOU SURVIVED THE CAMP!!! This goes to show that all of you are on your way to becoming independent people! All able to take care of yourselves when your parents are not with you. Give yourselves a pat on the back!! =) I am sure your parents are very proud of you.

There is a saying, (I will do my best to translate), 'When at home, you have your family. When out of your home, your friends are your family.'

With that said, always keep in mind to have good friends whom you can depend on. Treasure that friendship for good friends are hard to come by - just as much, treasure your family members. Do not take things for granted. =)

Here are the photos for our P5 camp in slideshow. If you want to view the photos individually or to save them, pls click the 'Photos' tab at the navigation bar at the top of our blog! =)

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